Hearthstone - anyone still playing it?
I am a hopeless Hearthstone addict. I've even gotten my wife to play it on her android tablet. The Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain expansions were a lot of fun, and the new Tavern Brawl mode is interesting.

My favourite class is Mage, and I've been using what would probably be called a "Tempo Mage" deck. I made it before I knew what a Tempo Mage was, so it's a lot different than the standard one.
[Image: fLAyL56.jpg?1]

I know it's not optimal, and I actually have the cards and dust to make a better deck, but I have a lot of fun with this. Archmage Antonidas and Malygos are both hilarious when I have Arcane Missiles and Arcane Explosions to use when I summon them. I don't ever grind for ranks, but I'm sure I could pretty low if I wanted to.

My only beef with hearthstone is how it forces you to play classes you don't like just to complete daily quests. The ability to re-roll a daily quest is nice, but I'd prefer to be able to complete every daily quest with whatever class I choose. I've resorted to creating Face Hunter and Grim Patron Warrior decks just to complete daily quests.

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Hearthstone - anyone still playing it? - by DeeBye - 07-19-2015, 03:55 AM

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