The Mr Clean Magic Eraser appreciation thread
If you have not yet tried the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for really tough stains, you should.

Here is my Magic Eraser testimonial. Mr. Clean can put it on his website.

My bathtub is in sorry shape. The enamel is all but gone, and the surface is something akin to 20 grit sandpaper. Those little pits and holes have attracted a lovely amount of dirt over the years. Since I am moving out in less than a week, I must make sure that my apartment is as clean as I can get it.

The dirt that my enamel-free bathtub collected in the tiny pits was uncleanable. In the past two weeks, I have tried:
  • Scouring the tub with Ajax and Comet and a dense scouring pad<>
  • Soaking the tub in 100% bleach<>
  • Soaking in CLR<>
  • Soaking in Lime Away<>
  • Soaking in industrial strength descaler<>
    None of these things did much. The light shade of gray on the bottom of the tub remained. I put at least 20 hours of harsh elbow-twinging effort into cleaning my tub, to no avail.

    Then I tried a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. HOLY SMOKES STAINS GONE IN 30 SECONDS! I was absolutely floored. One Magic Eraser and 30 seconds did what the above list could not do. My tub is still enamel-free, but at least it's white again.

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The Mr Clean Magic Eraser appreciation thread - by DeeBye - 09-10-2006, 04:57 AM

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