Terenas - My next L60
OK. So we all know I have altitis. But I've decided that I want to see what mainly focusing on one toon on the journey to 60 is like instead of doing my typical spread the play around 3-6 at a time. The 'play what you like' approach won't work because I haven't found a class that I don't really like to play.

I currently have the following options:
Takishidu - L27 Priest
Krashenk - L28 Shaman
Gnoldren - L26 Druid
KamGrayhoof - L27 Warrior
Shari - L15 Mage
Katiliane - L15 Warlock

I don't have a rogue right now, but I have 2 char slots open since Drallmok will be deleted because the reason he was made for is not valid anymore and I don't really have any desire to play him anymore. I've always had a blast playing my rogue on Stormrage when I played him, but just never got around to making one horde side. I wouldn't consider the time behind the other toons a big hinderance for starting a rogue either. I can get to L20 in 15 hours played pretty easily (Shari is L15 and I think she's at 8 hours right now and she did most of 0-15 without rested bonus).

I can list pro's ancd cons for each but really I'm interested in what the guild thinks because I don't really care much one way or the other. At this stage, while I still vastly prefer a Lurkers group I can deal with PuGs for instances or just being cheesed through to get quests done or get a few of the choice BoP's. I'm not rich on this server (in fact since I just spent some money on enchants and helping Mogo get some FR upgrades I'm down to about 180 gold across all toons) but I've got enough to be able to twink over at least enough money to keep any of the basic ease of play items purchasable. And of course Marn can destroy a few of the lower level instances (I can solo all of SM on him if I want) to help get twinkable BoE's that might help out from those places.

But I'm mainly I'm just looking for help on picking a toon to focus on. One that may help add a little flexibilty to the guild. I know that Marn can provide some solid help to a good with good physical DPS, and the ability to even tank if we are willing to go a bit slower in an instance but I would like to have the option of saying something like "Yeah I can bring a mage for AoE" or "Yeah I can tank that with my warrior" or "I can heal that with my priest" or "I can bring the lock for AoE and DPS" or "I can bring the rogue to sap and tear stuff up" or "Sure I'll bring the druid to help heal" or "Yeah the shaman would be a great offtank and spare healing" or or or or. :)

I know we are usually good enough but there are times where me having a choice besides Marn could help make a group more optimal.

And I'll get more stuff to 60, eventually, but I'd just rather have 1 more 60 than 3 40's. :) So give me your input and let me know your thoughts. Of course I may just settle on something out of dumb luck as well, but so far I haven't been able to decide because I like all the classes too much. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
Terenas - My next L60 - by Kevin - 05-16-2006, 04:42 AM
Terenas - My next L60 - by swirly - 05-16-2006, 08:14 AM
Terenas - My next L60 - by Alram - 05-16-2006, 02:40 PM
Terenas - My next L60 - by Kevin - 05-16-2006, 04:48 PM
Terenas - My next L60 - by WimpySmurf - 05-16-2006, 05:19 PM
Terenas - My next L60 - by VoiceMan - 05-16-2006, 05:45 PM
Terenas - My next L60 - by oldmandennis - 05-16-2006, 05:49 PM
Terenas - My next L60 - by Concillian - 05-16-2006, 06:01 PM
Terenas - My next L60 - by Kevin - 05-16-2006, 06:31 PM

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