Some ?'s re Traps & ....
#1: ...I unno?


>Is the Fire-arrow trap an “arrow trap” for to hit purposes, or a “magic trap”?

Arrow. Let's also safely assume that an arrow from a trap is treated like an arrow from a bow (enemy).

>Do we assume that the physical arrow itself of the Fire arrow trap does 0 damage, and the damage comes from the fire? Being a fire arrow, the damage will try to strike you 9 times before it ends?

The arrow has it's own component of normal damage. As far as I can figure from the guide, the range for the arrow damage and the fireghtning damage is the same.

>If it is Magic trap to hit and has the autohit value of 40%, then AC be darned and go for the fire resistance or -dfe instead. Or, does the Arrow have to hit FIRST (thus arrow trap to hit considerations) and the Fire damage rendered afterwards “hit” 40% of the time (of doing only 40% of its damage)? Thus go all out AC to try to make the durn arrow miss in the first place?

The to-hit for the arrow is 100-AC/2 as well as for the fire component (due to a bug): "The to hit calculations for the fire and lightning attack part, although magical, still use normal arrow to hit formulas." - 6.1.6. Thus AC will be useful for both the arrow itself and the attending fire damage, up to 180 AC (minimum to-hit for arrow = 10%).

>And just how does this fire damage take place? If it happens “over time”, does the damage strike you sequentially (i.e., you get hit nine separate times over the course of “Speed/Duration 32”? Or is all the damage calculated to hit you in one massive strike)?

Any attack that tries to hit more than once always means that it tries to hit one time per frame for a given number of frames. In this case it is for 10 frames (half a second), one frame for the arrow and 9 consecutive frames for the fire portion.

> If you have no fire resists, is this blockable? Some of it? None of it? All of it? Is it possible to block the _arrow_ yet still take the fire damage (thus, it would be better not to even use a shield?)?

I believe that everytime I have blocked the arrow I didn't take any fire damage, so I think the arrow needs to hit you to even check for fire damage. I also don't think that the fire is blockable at all with no resists. Even if it were though, don't count on blocking much damage, since the fire "attacks" every .05 seconds which is faster than you can block and you can't block while blocking. It would never be better to not use a shield though.

As for reducing the damage, I think it all depends on your your style or available gear. Each -1 DFE will save you 10 life max (~10% resists) compared to your figures. It gets more effective than resists as the damage from the trap decreases, but then again, if that is the case you'll live anyways. I would focus on resists since they are much more usefull, especially in iron man.

In Summary:

#3: Best combination of AC/Blocking to minimize chance to penetrate both; fire resistance; -DFE

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!

Messages In This Thread
Some ?'s re Traps & .... - by Attika - 12-27-2004, 07:24 PM
Some ?'s re Traps & .... - by the Langolier - 12-29-2004, 02:23 AM
Some ?'s re Traps & .... - by Jarulf - 12-30-2004, 11:55 PM

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