The Great Race; a proposal for "Khalim" awards
About the "rushing to level 8": Could you do in cascades? Level one character to level 8 once (whatever time it takes) and twink him with any of the gear mentioned before, then make a party of "rusher" Lvl 8 and rushee Lvl 1. The Lvl 1 guy just stays near the Lvl 8 guy and should get enough experience to level up quite fast since the levl difference is not too big. When the rushee attains level 8 he inherits the equipment from his "mentor". Lather, rinse, repeat.
After creating a horde of level 8+ guys get a real high level character to kill the smith repeatedly to gain a lot of imbues.

Do you think that could work even faster?

The Mad Scientist
A stroke from the brush does not guarantee art from the bristles

ckeck out my Skillcalculator

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The Great Race; a proposal for "Khalim" awards - by MadScientist - 10-02-2003, 01:17 PM

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