Why I think it is challenging for the government to ration our care.
Quote:I asked for specifics but you are still just spewing garbage out, because you have nothing.

Except, I have plenty, which I will lay out for you once more.

You are confusing/conflating me "spewing garbage" with for what I am really doing - which is grilling you for all the discriminatory and derogatory ideas and verbage that you sling around here.

fireicetalon Wrote:You constantly spew views which are racist and xenophobic, you are ableist, you are extremely chauvinistic and nationalist, you voted for Trump who is, if not an outright fascist, is as close to being one as you can get, and you use Breitbart - a blatantly fascist, white nationalist media organization - as your source of news. So yea, you well qualify as deserving the fascist label.

^^Those are, like it or not, specifics. The entire 'hate crime' thread was racist and laced with underlying pro-slavery rhetoric, and in this very thread you used the absolutely disgusting, dehumanizing and racist term "illegals" to describe undocumented persons (which "illegal" isn't even correct anyways in the context of bourgeois law, since being undocumented would be a civil, and not a criminal, offense), and then the "keep your 52%" comment when you replied to Kandrathe, which was your euphemism for "lets keep America white". You have made numerous Islamphobic threads and disparaging comments about refugees from the Middle East in the past. The list of "specifics" fucking goes on, and on, and on, and on.

(01-21-2017, 05:32 AM)Ashock Wrote: I actually don't care about you calling me a fascist.

You absolutely do care, or you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place.

Quote:You are irrelevant. To me, you are basically a smear on my shoe.

And if I wanted to hear an asshole talk, I'd fart.

Quote:I do so, so others can see you for what you are.

Don't flatter yourself. I have received PM's from people here who have long seen YOU for what you are, and dont really post much anymore cause they are tired of reading your right-wing bullshit.

I've made my views pretty clear here for a long time now. You see, unlike you, I have no self-loathing or lack of confidence in my politics. You don't want to be labeled a fascist, because that has implications of you being a racist, xenophobic, sexist scumbag - which is exactly what you are. You do a much better job at exposing your despicable politics than you do proving anything about me - cause we both know I am way more transparent in my views than you are of yours. Which is understandable, since your politics are repulsive and in virtually all instances, untenable.

Quote:have absolutely no qualms about at least jailing me and most likely eliminating me

And good fucking riddance. Fascists deserve nothing less. Cause if you had it your way, blacks would be slaves all over again, women would only be allowed in the kitchen and be viewed and used as sub-human instruments for reproduction with no bodily autonomy whatsoever, Muslims would all be imprisoned or exterminated, and LGTBQ persons would be viewed as sinners and/or criminals. Anyone who wasn't a white, straight male would be completely fucked - coerced to wake up every day and salute a confederate flag and be told they have "freedom" - though in fact, nobody, except white/straight/males, would have "freedom" of ANYTHING whatsoever. You are a despicable human being, every bit as condemnable as your heroes Hitler and Pinochet.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Why I think it is challenging for the government to ration our care. - by FireIceTalon - 01-21-2017, 05:49 AM

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