Moral Panic — from anti-commie to anti-nazi
(09-25-2017, 04:34 AM)kandrathe Wrote: Various hateful groups have hardly fangs, so long as we can trust the law to not be corrupted by them.

Too late. Both this administration and the police pander to them. There has been way too many instances of left-wing/anti trump protesters being assaulted by police, while white nationalist protestors are able to not only protest freely, but do so with police protection. Besides, not letting fascists into politics or law enforcement isn't enough anyways.

Fascism and fascist ideas will never be compatible with a fair, just, equal, and safe society. Never. They never were in the past, nor will they ever be in the future. It is quite likely the most sociopathic, anti-human, and nihilist framework ever contrived.

I find it funny (actually on second thought, I don't) that so many people here hate Antifa, but yet they are one of the very few forces actually spear-heading a resistance to fascism actively while bourgeois politicians - local and federal alike, unsurpisingly turn a blind eye towards white nationalists. Ignoring it is just as bad as partaking in it, because by ignoring it you subtly contribute to it, or at least enable it. This article is, word for word, ridiculously spot on:

Now, I can't say I usually politically align myself with the folks at Al Jazeera, who are well to my right politically. But in this particular instance, they are correct. America loves to decry fascism, but deep down, it sure seems to have a soft spot for it.

Quote:Predictably, the historically illiterate, ubiquitous members of the right-wing commentariat in America and beyond have attempted to tar the Antifa (anti-fascists) for resisting, and, if need be, defending itself against, the delinquents that march en masse at night with torches and mow down innocents in daylight with automobiles.

It's an old trick: to negate real evil by manufacturing a phantom villain as a convenient foil or facile distraction.

Regrettably, but not surprisingly, this transparent rhetorical slight of hand is magnified repeatedly by an amnesiac establishment media that habitually finds and amplifies moral and intellectual equivalences where none exist.

^^^Seriously Kandrathe, the entire premise of this thread is bordering on insanity. There is absolutely no comparison, ideologically or morally, between communists and fascists/Nazis. The former want equality and fairness (we are also realists and recognize that the only way to achieve that is to forcefully overthrow the present social order which is in no way conducive to equality, or fairness). The latter loves hierarchy, subjugation and coercion, all the worst traits of capitalism, and they would not hesitate to bring death or wholesale destruction to any group of persons different from them, especially if they oppose them. NOT the same thing at all.

If you tell a commie that you think capitalism is the best possible system we have, and that it can be fair - I don't know a single commie who would kill you or beat you for saying that. What they would do is explain to you why you are wrong, as I have do so many times here. Even most communists of the Marxist-Leninist variety, who are probably the most directly aggressive and vocal Marxist sect (relatively speaking), are still unlikely to physically harm you for political disagreement.

On the other hand, if you tell a fascist that you believe all races should be treated equally, that women have or should have as many rights as men, that the poor are suffering through no fault of their own, and that LGBTQ persons are good people in general - they are, at best going to give you a blank stare and look at you like you are utterly insane. At worst (and this is far more likely), they are going to call you a race traitor, anti-American commie and either beat you to a pulp or run you over in their car. Your political ideology, whether you are a communist, a libertarian, a liberal, or even a traditional/Burkish conservative will not matter - they will view you as an enemy to their dystopian and backwards ideas, and harm you or harass you the first opportunity they get.

Mind you, if it weren't for socialists and anti-fascists, it would be a world filled with blonde haired, blue eyed genetically engineered human beings - with not a single LGBTQ person, ethnic minority (with perhaps the stark exception of the Japanese) or Jew in sight - cause they'd all be systematically exterminated. And we'd all be speaking German. Remember that next time you decide to bash Antifa or any other radical left-wing group. Antifa may not align with you politically, but they are far more likely to have your back in speaking out against hatred and bigotry than a fascist is (virtually 0 chance there). In general, I think your chances of being assaulted or harassed by a white supremacist or a cop are far greater than they are from a communist/socialist.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Moral Panic — from anti-commie to anti-nazi - by FireIceTalon - 09-25-2017, 02:17 PM

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