Warrior Talent Review for the Whiner in all of us!
Quote: "severe" buffs? So non-severe buffs are called for?
Nay, if anything the things I "called for" are bug fixes or *ahem* hardware upgrades. :lol:

Quote:Is it just me, or did you describe something that would require intelligent pre-meditated use to be effective and claim this is unbalancing?
All *I* did was repeat part of a brief conversation I had with a player I ran into, who showed that they had more insight into the dev team than I did. :)

Quote: People throw this around too much -- it's a cliche. Everyone does more damage (or heals more) with better gear. Everyone has abilities that don't scale (barring the occasional odd set bonus) -- poly polys, hamstring snares, fear fears. What's changed is that at the beginning of the game, there were "uber" weapons that warriors could get. There wasn't much +dmg gear. So warriors/rogues scaled and casters didn't. Additionally, high stamina PvP gear didn't become truly accessible for a while. Prior to that time, it was true, warriors were "gear dependent", and once they got that gear, they were buff. Blizzard has fixed both of those issues now and now some of the deficiencies in the warrior PvP model are showing.
Being a cliche doesn't immediately disprove it, also gear dependancy isn't about scaling, that's it's own discussion. Being gear dependant means that a warrior with his basic grey 2h he starts with, and no other gear, will have a very hard time versus a level 60 NPC. He has low armor, low parry & dodge. However, as you aluded to, things like Demoralizing Shout or Intimidating Shout work fine. His damage will be low, thus generating (pre-2.0) not nearly enough rage to use even said shouts with regularity until his timely demise. A rogue with the starting dagger will perform better than the warrior due to the reliance on the 20/2s energy tick. The rogues lower hp, possible lack of parry, slightly higher dodge won't come into play quite as often as the rogues' natural abilities allow him to keep the foe incapacitaed while building combo points, which he can trade in for damage. But let's not kid ourselves, the rogue still isn't doing well. A mage then? Again with very low hp, armor, dodge, no parry, and also with a low mana pool still has the potential to kill a level 60 mob without taking more than a couple hits by playing cat & mouse with frost. This is what I mean by gear dependancy. None of this is to show that one class is overpowered, because for the life of me, I can't remember the last time we had to fight back to our bodies to get our gear back! :lol:

Quote: Care to provide examples?
Well, +30ap on Heroism Shoulders, or +5 Shadow Resist on Shredder Shoulders. Things that take grinds to give a small boost to effectiveness. Or directly, a lurker warrior I once saw wearing a couple pieces of Enchanted Thorium gear with +100 hp librams on them. Showing dedication to a goal, within the limitations of your access.

The comment about us all looking the same doesn't really have to do with anything, just my aesthetic side trying to break out. /back in the box! /smack :whistling:

~Frag B)
Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.

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Warrior Talent Review for the Whiner in all of us! - by Frag - 01-17-2007, 04:29 PM

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