Kill Bill. Wow. (slight spoilers.)
"Kill Bill Vol. 1" is the best popcorn movie I've seen to date. Not just any regular popcorn either. The corn kernel is specially grown in the finest Elysian fields. And the butter, oh my god the butter. If the idolatrous golden calf in that movie "The Ten Commandments" can give milk, and churn it into butter, this would be it. It's that sinfully good.

The violence. Yes, the violence. All those awful violence. Yes, it's violent. Did I mention it's violent? But think of it as "Rashomon" violent. Or "Hamlet" violent. And B-movies, Tromavideo violent. It's violence of the best kind. And if the torso violence is pure b-grade goodness, the blood spray on the other hand is pure Jackson Pollock. The level of artistry of an arterial spray in this movie will probably be discussed and debated by film students in berets for years.

Lara Croft, the "new" Charlies Angels, and all the Spice girls. All of you owe Uma Thurman and Quentin Tarantino a debt of gratitude. Uma showed the frightening strength of an indomitable will that knows no gender, with a single swipe of her katana, and a wiggle of her big toe. And yet there is no question that she's a female, a once expectant mother, and someone who you do not want to mess with. It's about a million times more genuine and entertaining than a pair of silicone bags with legs wearing a printed baby tee saying "Grrl Power!" Well at least to me.

ps. You don't need to know all the references\inspiration (Shaw bros., kung fu movies etc) "Kill Bill" draws from, to simply enjoy it. Though it might give you a better appreciation of it. But enough rambling, can't wait until part 2.

pps. Yes, this review is opinionated. It's my opinions that I likes this here movie. :)
Uma Thurman alone is a reason for me to go watch that movie :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
I agree 110%. Kill Bill is a great movie (some like me, may even call it a Masterpeice). Much better then I expected it to be, and the hype did it's job well.

I can't wait for the DVD to see the Japanese cut, which will not have that certain scene changed due to MPAA ratings, and have alot more violence and colorful red stuff.

I also loved the fitting music. QT's ideas and quirks really shine in this movie. I just want to go see it again. And ofcourse I will :)

The ending was great. Almost like a cliffhanger, but then not. Really cool.

Reading the many reviews by people on for kill bill. It seems that many did not understand that all the violence was comical in a way, and in no way was supposed to be 100% realistic. For me that was evident when they showed the Anime short.

Certain major reviewers are labeling this movie as "the most violent American movie ever made".
"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellem"
[Image: Ax.gif]
Best. Film. Ever.

I could praise this movie forever, for a million reasons, but since my corporal form has been humbled into a tiny puddle of ecstatic, writhing amoebas in the blinding holy light of this cinematic accomplishment, I am temporarily incapable of speech.

I feel honest hurt for those who won't 'get it'.
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - W Wonka

The Flying Booyaka and The Legend of Bonesnap
My thoughts exactly, to the letter. Kill Bill is a masterpiece.
Two things above all made me love this movie:

1) Really good, well placed music

2) One person ripping apart 20+ other people, Bruce Lee style

After that, stuff like the anime scene and the psychopathic schoolgirl bodyguard are just added bonuses. I do also like revenge stories.
Yup. I just got the soundtrack. Has some very nice exact dialogue excerpts, and ofcourse the music from the movie.

As I listen to it, it makes me want to go see the movie again :(. And this week too many midterms so I can't go to see it.
"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellem"
[Image: Ax.gif]
It was entertaining.

I did notice that the fight scenes looked exceptionally real in that sword swings were NOT all at the same time or in perfect sequence (ala Matrix style), but were actually realistically at different intervals, speeds, styles, and just wow! It looked so real! I've been reading the Berserk manga and see a lot of Gatsu's fighting style in Uma (Black Mamba) in that after someone makes an attack and misses, instead of leaping back and waiting for the next attack like ALL characters do in EVERY movie with a fight scene you have ever seen in your life, she'll go in for the kill like a true fighter would. Much more minor details in the fight scenes that just blew my mind.

Overall, the story wasn't all that, and IMO, some scenes really dragged and could of been shortened, but I felt good about spending my money on this flick and WILL see the second installment when it comes out!

As for the blood - very exaggerated (such as blood shooting up over 6' into the air on a decapitation) giving it an almost fake feel, but really this lighthearted side of the bloody aspect was a refreshing transformation from the seriousness of the movie and the violence (and yes, it was very violent).

The music? I loved the siren sounding music when Uma looked her arch-nemesis’s in the eyes. As for the rest of it, its was very appropriate, but not the kind of music I like. In fact, I couldn't wait for some scenes to end so I could stop hearing certain songs I despise (and there were a LOT of them in that movie). But most of the music for the fighting scenes was superb :D . EDIT: almost forgot, the sound effects (especially in the fight scenes - OMFG) were almost too much! They were that realistic, with gurgling, screaming, spashing, popping, etc... I really shouldnt say anymore. You can just see it for yourself.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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