Deprived of a skill?(rant)
<rant>The other day, I was killing Radament for the first time on Open, and when the skill book dropped, I couldn't pick it up, and then when I was in town, I talked to some townsfolk after selling my inventory, and the quest said it was finished, and then before I could go down there, the host of the game left!!! So I sadly tried to do it again, but there WAS NO BOOK!! </rant>

So, if there is any way to get the book, and I'm just being stupid, tell me.
Well, I feel a bit silly. I went back on my character a few days later, and PRESTO! The quest was undone, and I promptly went and got the book. Maybe it was a dream? Or a fevered delusion?

I've been sick lately, and missed a week of school. It was a weird cold.

Anyway, I'm happy now!
No, I've had the exact same thing happen to me also. I don't remember if I left the act when someone used the book before they talked to Atma or what triggered it, but I had the exact same problem. I casted a TP, book was on the floor, inventory was full. I tried to pick it up once, then went to town, back to act 3, came back to get book. I cant remember the order in which it went but regardless, I couldn't use the book and it said the quest was done. Once I joined a new game, it was fine. BTW, this was on closed USWEST hardcore, so its not restricted to open.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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