Official Season 4 Gear Requirements
Quote:Question: why are you playing Arenas at all, if all you're going to do is stop playing Arenas once you have the gear?

Lake Wintergrasp? I like my teammates?

It's an MMO, people are trying to progress their characters. Well designed carrots make the system run more smoothly. Weather or not I would quit if I ran out of stuff to buy (which was not something I said, anyhow), you would have to be stupid not to think that many people would. That would knock the bottom out of the pyramid, and lead to idiocy like whole realms not having a set of S4 shoulders.

Quote:To me I would like to see Arena as something like how you treat an FPS type game. Something to do for fun when you have 30 minutes or an hour, not enough time for an instance, but just killing time.

Well there's BG's or practice arenas for that. The value of arenas from a game play perspective should be that it should more or less match up players of equal skill, because that will make the most entertaining game. Due in no small part to the carrots of the system being all out of whack, that happens a lot less often then it should.
Quote:I think it's a little ludicrous that people are expected to "grind" out gear they only use in arena.

Small nit, but I'm sure most people on PvP realms use their PvP/Arena set more often than their PvE/Raid-only set.
Quote:Small nit, but I'm sure most people on PvP realms use their PvP/Arena set more often than their PvE/Raid-only set.

Don't play my 70 much anymore, but this was true when I did. I'd always wear my arena gear for running dailies. Especially when I was pvp-resto: Sure, I killed things slower, but I'd be impossible to gank and dailies provoked a LOT of violence on Magtheridon.

Wearing PvP gear also kept me out of some fights. One time, I ran off a 70 hunter from ganking lowbies in HFP just by showing up.

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