Mayday, Mayday, Mayday
While the spectacles at Red Square in Moscow every May Day have gone the way of the plains buffalo, in the West a willingly myopic subset of malcontents continue to pay homage to a man surnamed Lynch.

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna y Lynch. (Ernesto Guevara Lynch (Guevara's father) was born in 1900. Guevara Lynch married Celia de la Serna y Llosa in 1927, and they had three sons and two daughters.)
Wiki on Che, a puff piece

That he was Castro's chief revolutionary exectioner should come as no surprise -- just living up to his name. Checking his family history, you see that Argentine expatriots living in San Francisco are among them. Can you smell the historic irony?

The poster boy of the 1960's counter culture had this to say about trial by jury:

Quote:"To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary," Carroll would have heard from the chief executioner, named Ernesto "Che" Guevara. "These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the paredon! (The Wall)"

OK, so Humerto Fontava (author of "Fidel's Executioner") may not be the most objective of observers. Neither are, or were, the morons who fell in love with a face on a poster, and now on t-shirts.

Image over substance, greater than one.

But something needs to be pointed out, in the contemporary setting: Che's ambitions of a Spanophile America. His voice, his rhetoric, his legend, and his legacy are a part and parcel to Spanish-American cultural ghosts, images, and icons. Is it any surprise that the great Illegal Immigrant protest march is staged on a Che Day: the Communist May Day? (Forget for a moment that Che was a Maoist, and not all that popular in Moscow.)

It shouldn't be. Symbols and icons trump the messy details.

The nice thing about irony is that is spreads like a cancer. It is within the realm of possibility that President Bush and his team overlook the spooky parallel of location. Guantanamo Bay is, for the geographically impaired, in Cuba. The prison there is not a site for Che-genre executions, thank goodness, and is being challenged by lawyers (some in uniform) of the folks who set it up. Such archaic bourgeois details. :rolleyes:

Someone is going to draw the Cuban parallel anyway, as symbols again trump messy details. Is the counter message, the counter symbol, ready?

I doubt it.

"Shills 'R us" aren't that clever. Welcome to the show, Tony Snow, you have been co-opted. Make sure you wear your Che T-shirt today at the podium, to show with standard Bush public affairs "elegance" your empathy with the Latin voting bloc: registered and otherwise, alive and otherwise. (Hey, I live in South Texas, ghosts have voting rights down here!) :whistling:

From where I sit, the "it item" for the foreseeable future is an air sickness bag. Pick one up on your next airline flight, from the seat pocket in front of you, and save it for those moments when the waves of spin and nonsense get too nauseating.

You'll be glad you took my advice.


Edit: two bits added for clarity (OK, the water isn't quite as muddy)
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Are you drinking?
Ghostiger,May 1 2006, 01:12 PM Wrote:Are you drinking?

And writing.

Why do you ask?

As for libation, coffee.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,May 1 2006, 02:15 PM Wrote:Thinking. 

And writing. 

Why do you ask? 

As for libation, coffee.


Well I guess your were writing as you thought.
I know I frequently have been accussed of skipping the explaination between my evidence and conclusions, but you have way out done me, it looks like a train of consciousnous excercise.

What exactly was the point? Was it that the immigrant rallies are a front for communism in memory of Che?

Ghostiger,May 1 2006, 02:51 PM Wrote:Well I guess your were writing as you thought.
I know I frequently have been accussed of skipping the explaination between my evidence and conclusions, but you have way out done me, it looks like a train of consciousnous excercise.

What exactly was the point? Was it that the immigrant rallies are a front for communism in memory of Che?
No, Mister Literal and Linear thinker, the point is the linkage between things is not always in the terms and memes commonly used.

The bottom line remains as I stated it, that the current political rhetoric and media frenzy is enough to make even an iron clad stomach like mine spew forth its contents.

Did you get that part?

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,May 1 2006, 04:20 PM Wrote:No, Mister Literal and Linear thinker, the point is the linkage between things is not always in the terms and memes commonly used. 

The bottom line remains as I stated it, that the current political rhetoric and media frenzy is enough to make even an iron clad stomach like mine spew forth its contents.

Did you get that part?


I got almost all the individual lines, and even agreed with many of them. If you say that was the point of it all I believe you, I just couldnt tell.
Ghostiger,May 1 2006, 09:30 PM Wrote:I got almost all the individual lines, and even agreed with many of them. If you say that was the point of it all I believe you, I just couldnt tell.

I don't know about anyone else, but that's pretty much how I felt.
"One day, o-n-e day..."
Occhi my friend, old age is creeping up on you like cheap underwear. I think it is safe to say that you are starting to write a bit like I do at times.

No worries though. I think I got it.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
That reminds me of a joke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A joke in a new format that I've just invented. Ya know the good news, bad news jokes? Well this format also has 2 "news items" only the good and bad are different to different people. You'll see. I call the two sides "Red" and "Blue". You'll figure out who I mean.

Here goes....

The Red News: All the kids at school are saying the Pledge of Allegiance every morning!!!






The Blue News: They're saying it en espanol!

- - - - -

HAW HAW HAW *snort* HAW HAW ... huh? ... missing tilde?? where? ... oh well, you've been in GRATE audience... hasta lasagna

Coordinator, Special Cultural Events
The Forsaken Inn
Well, I get it.

We need another "Three Dictator Opera" with Herr Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin upstaging each other with atrocities. Or, perhaps "The Butcher of Kampot", with the lead played by Pol Pots. We live in a time when the President of the US has to apologize for an errant laser guided bomb hitting off target because its on the news, but no one cares a lick about how many were raped, starved or massacred in Darfur today. Why is it that the only time a stink is made is when it can be stuck on the sitting US president? Do we care about people or politics?

Another hot cup of Joe, Occhi?
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Vandiablo,May 2 2006, 02:54 AM Wrote:lasagna
lasagne? anyway, one more, Blue first . . . . . . .

The Blue News: Illegal immigrants are going to get health benefits from the government!!






The Red News: They'll get the same as any felon.

Manager, Seasonal Cleaning Staff
The Forsaken Inn
I used to consider myself an intelligent, open minded, *beatnick kinda person. But as i read this i cant understand a single part of it. Dunno maybe my lack of Soviet russian knowledge has something to do with it, i think i read the word Stalin in there somewhere?

Occhi > me

*Dunno what yall call it, but Beatnick is what we call the community of peeps who wear those weird artsy black hats and listen to freelance poetry drinking some coffee imported from some place in the middle of nowhere, as some guy beats on some drums. Ever listen to some of their poetry? Alot of it is random musing which the listener has to piece together to make a complete picture, which looked much like Occhi's attempt, but nonetheless im confused. :wacko: :blink:
When you reach the edge of everything, and the only thing left to do is step into the darkness rest assured one of to things shall happen. Either there will be ground for you to stand on or you shall be taught to fly.
Adairan,May 2 2006, 06:31 AM Wrote:I used to consider myself an intelligent, open minded, *beatnick kinda person. But as i read this i cant understand a single part of it. Dunno maybe my lack of Soviet russian knowledge has something to do with it, i think i read the word Stalin in there somewhere?
Occhi > me

Each piece was connected to the next by a segue, though some were clumsier than others. Mayday is a distress call, in the air. May Day is celebrated on the First of May, yesterday's date. It was and is a big deal Labor, Socialist, and Communist holiday. There was also an old tradition (Celtic or Norman, I think) involving dancing around the Maypole. Can't remember the details at the moment, I am sure Google has some good info.

EDIT: Dorrection. It looks as though May daw was an old Roman custom. or a Druidic custom.

Edit again, I can't seem to get those tabs right this morning.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,May 2 2006, 06:53 AM Wrote:EDIT:  Dorrection.  It looks as though May daw was an old Roman custom. or a Druidic custom.

Edit again, I can't seem to get those tabs right this morning.


Personally, I love the official commie day. I attended several as a kid. Commie values ftw.

Now for the main reason for my post...... What's a "Dorrection"? :w00t:

Ashock,May 2 2006, 02:03 PM Wrote:Personally, I love the official commie day. I attended several as a kid. Commie values ftw.
Now for the main reason for my post...... What's a "Dorrection"?  :w00t:
It is either a hybrid of "Doh!" and "Correction" or a left middle finger spazz moment. Your call. :P

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,May 2 2006, 02:10 PM Wrote:It is either a hybrid of "Doh!" and "Correction" or a left middle finger spazz moment.  Your call.  :P


Kind if like when I seem someone whose appearance is so offensive that the only thing that pops in my head is *fugly*, as in, "That person IS fugly!" I'm sure you can figure out what two words were combined to make this made-up one.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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