Batman Begins
A new trailer for Batman Begins (due out June 15) is available online.

(here is a direct link to the "Large" trailer - 20 MB)

The cast looks pretty solid. Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes, and Gary Oldman are the notable stars. The movie is, as referenced by the title, the story about how Bruce Wayne becomes Batman. The key villains are Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul.

Every trailer I've seen for this movie looked great, and this one was no exception. I just get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomache based on past Batman films. This movie has two things going for it right now -- no Arnold Schwarzenegger and no nipples on Batman's costume.
Looks good. Except for the batmobile. Why can't the movies ever properly depict the sweet buggy he rides around in?
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
Rinnhart,Apr 27 2005, 10:56 PM Wrote:Looks good. Except for the batmobile. Why can't the movies ever properly depict the sweet buggy he rides around in?

[Image: batmobilerollingstone5fv.jpg]

I kinda like it :blush:
"with its jet engine and vector controls, the batmobile can jump six feet vertically and forty feet horizontally... top speed of 220mph"


That said, deny the buggy's might.

[Image: us77309.jpg]

Found this while trying to dig up a decent shot of the comic's buggy (as you can see, I failed). Guess the new ride's closer to home than I gave it credit for.

My geek-fu is weak. :blush:
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
I remember stumbling across a movie script at the end of this summer. It was well written and I enjoyed the read, but I figured it was merely a hoax. After seeing a few previews it appears the script was the real thing.

If that is the case, the cast and the script seem pretty solid. It will be a good movie, something I will look forward to seeing this summer (which says a lot since I'm NOT a big comic book fantasy fan, nor a big batman movie buff).

This looks like it will be a great fresh start for an old series. I'll be interested in seeing where the next movies go.


Munkay,Apr 27 2005, 11:31 PM Wrote:This looks like it will be a great fresh start for an old series.  I'll be interested in seeing where the next movies go.

I think I can speak for the rest of the geek community when I say:

"We want Batman versus Superman versus Spiderman versus Wolverine -- winner gets to date Wonder Woman!"
DeeBye,Apr 27 2005, 10:44 PM Wrote:The cast looks pretty solid.  Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes, and Gary Oldman are the notable stars.  The movie is, as referenced by the title, the story about how Bruce Wayne becomes Batman.  The key villains are Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul.
Hmm... I thought George Clooney had the contract for the next 3 Batman films...? Oh well, whatever.
Quote:I just get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomache based on past Batman films. 
The Batman films were great when Tim Burton did them, I still enjoy watching the first one. Batman returns was pretty good as well. The main problem with the third and fourth movies (other than your already given reasons) was that A: there was too much neon lighting, and B: Batman was too "in the limelight" making grand entrances and doing public appearances and the like. Oddly enough, I think Two Face (Tommy Lee Jons) was acting crazier than the Joker (Jack Nicholson) did...
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
Wyrm,Apr 27 2005, 11:59 PM Wrote:The Batman films were great when Tim Burton did them, I still enjoy watching the first one.  Batman returns was pretty good as well.

The first Batman was great. I hated the rest of them though. Batman Returns would have been better if not for the depiction of The Penguin. Danny DeVito was the perfect actor for the role, but they made The Penguin into such a pathetic and loathesome character instead of the dapper and self-assured character he was in the comic books.

Then again, Batman Returns gets a free pass due to Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman (I refuse to acknowledge the Halle Barry atrocity).

The Joel Schumacher Batman movies just outright sucked.
Batman has already handed Superman his own ass... When Superman went a little bad.

Bats keeps a little bit of Kryptonite in his belt just in case he ever has to whoop ass on Superman ever again.

And in a fight between Wolverine and Batman... I love Wolverine, but my money is on the Bat.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
It's directed by Christopher Nolan... how can it be anything but sweet? Oh yeah, and Katie Holmes is in it :wub:

On a side note, I think Morgan Freeman has at least 3 clones running around all doing movies simultaneously. I love him (Shawshank Redemption and Seven are two of my favorites) but the man is seriously in every movie ever made, I think. IMDB has him in seven movies announced or in some form of production right now. Jeebus.


I would also like to take the time to say that all the Batman movies were bad, Michael Keaton was a horrible Batman (stick to Multiplicity kthx), Michelle Pfeiffer ia not hot, Jim Carrey was born to play the Riddler, and Val Kilmer is awesome even though he sucked as Batman (I blame the writing and directing).

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London
Doc,Apr 28 2005, 12:44 AM Wrote:And in a fight between Wolverine and Batman... I love Wolverine, but my money is on the Bat.

There is no way that Batman can beat Wolverine. No stinkin' stick of kryptonite will work on Wolverine, bub.

DeeBye,Apr 27 2005, 11:55 PM Wrote:There is no way that Batman can beat Wolverine.  No stinkin' stick of kryptonite will work on Wolverine, bub.


Wolverine's Adamantium is suceptable to magnets. And certain types of acids can make it rust.

Taken from the Marvel Directory Site: "Wolverine is not immortal, however. If the injuries are extensive enough, especially if they result in the loss of vital organs, large amounts of blood, and/or loss of physical form (such as having flesh burned away by fire or acid), Logan can die."

Old Batty would twist him into a pretzel with magnets and hose him down with acid.

It would be an awesome fight to watch though!
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
Mithrandir,Apr 27 2005, 08:55 PM Wrote:It's directed by Christopher Nolan... how can it be anything but sweet? Oh yeah, and Katie Holmes is in it :wub:

On a side note, I think Morgan Freeman has at least 3 clones running around all doing movies simultaneously. I love him (Shawshank Redemption and Seven are two of my favorites) but the man is seriously in every movie ever made, I think. IMDB has him in seven movies announced or in some form of production right now. Jeebus.

No kidding.


I would also like to take the time to say that all the Batman movies were bad, Michael Keaton was a horrible Batman (stick to Multiplicity kthx),

Mike was... decent. But the first two were good for accurately reflecting the darkness of the comics, which the later ones failed to do. And Burton is the #$%&.

Quote:Michelle Pfeiffer ia not hot,


Quote:Jim Carrey was born to play the Riddler,


Quote:and Val Kilmer is awesome even though he sucked as Batman (I blame the writing and directing).

More like he just sucks.

Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek

Halle Berry and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos are tied for "Hottest Woman on the Planet", and that is impossible to argue sir :)

Quote:More like he just sucks.

Dude, The Saint.

'nuff said.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London
Mithrandir,Apr 28 2005, 06:25 AM Wrote:Dude, The Saint.
Val Kilmer surely doesn't suck at all. Anybody who saw The Salton Sea knows that. It's just that - not every actor fits in every role.

Greetings, Fragbait
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.

I'm skeptical. I'm a fair-sized fan of most of the cast (Liam, Ewan, Gary, Morgan), but I fear the lame-ass romance-crap that has befouled so many potentially great flicks will once again strike down another seemingly enjoyable film.

Sure they downplayed it a bit in the trailer, but come june, I suspect it'll be 90 minutes of "I love you." <--> "I love you too, batty" and 15 minutes of car chases and gadget-usage.

Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Doc,Apr 28 2005, 05:44 AM Wrote:Batman has already handed Superman his own ass... When Superman went a little bad.

Bats keeps a little bit of Kryptonite in his belt just in case he ever has to whoop ass on Superman ever again.

And in a fight between Wolverine and Batman... I love Wolverine, but my money is on the Bat.

Lets see.. Batman is one of the foremost skilled martial arts fighters on Earth. He has an extreme amount of gadgets, notoriously hard to intimidate.

Wolverine has heightened senses, a healing factor, unbreakable bones (if we are talking about current wolvie), has extensive training as a samurai, can go into a berserker rage and is notoriously nasty with those sharper-than-anything claws.

My humble guess would be that the bat would hit him with a strong toxin to counter his regen factor and then beat the snot ouf of him. :) Could be mistaken though.
[Image: 104024yQmrG.png][Image: 201194cOrXg.png]
Don't forget the bat is probably the smartest super hero to ever live! :shuriken:
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
> I just get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomache based on past Batman films. This movie has two things going for it right now -- no Arnold Schwarzenegger and no nipples on Batman's costume.

Yes who could forget the talented Joel 'red rubber codpiece' Schumacher. He really didn't 'get' the material in my not so humble opinion. Really though, even if this latest movie turns out to be t3h sukk as the kids would say nowadays. There's always this:

Not to mention this:

which for my money, have surpassed most of the live action bat movies I've seen so far.

ps. Dee, if you like that version of the batmobile, I highly recommend you read 'The Dark Knight Returns' graphic novel, just to get a glimpse of Miller's take on it. That scene in the book still gives me the tingles.
Don't forget, Batman took on the whole Justice League.

He kicked Superman's ass. I mean he tore old Superman a new a-hole. A memorable quote from Superman... "I live in fear of what Bruce may do to me."

He used a machine to give The Flash epileptic fits... The Flash believed that he had spent years kicking around, because he was moving at the speed of light during these fits.

Aquaman. I don't see why Bats bothered, but he implanted hypnotic suggestion that Aquaman was hydrophobic - deathly afraid of the water. Meh.

The Green Lantern was taken out with the clever use of mirrors.

And the poor Martian Man Hunter had an uncontrolable fit of sneezing induced on him, causing him to randomly change forms and become completely unstable.

And the Wonder Woman? Bats used pheromones to make himself irresistable. She tore him up. She completely exhausted her self chasing after him. And then she was tied up with her own lasso.

All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."

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