Another Nugget From Tigole
Of all the Blizzard employees who post on the official forums, Blizzard dungeon designer, Tigole, always seems to provide the most useful information, even if he's not allowed to be specific. Today, he posted a note on the loot tables of Molten Core bosses. I thought the most interesting part of the post was his closing line:

Tigole Wrote:Fortunately, the patching schedule seems back on track to what it should be so this shouldn't be too terribly long.

There are two things I glean from this. First, the next patch is coming soon. I wouldn't bet money on it, but it wouldn't surprise me if it came out in about a week. I would put money on it coming out before the end of the month. Second, it sounds like Blizzard is planning to return to the model they had in the beta of issuing smaller patches more often. It's entirely speculation on my part, but I'm guessing that they tried so hard to get battlegrounds into the next patch that they kept delaying it and delaying it and finally decided that they couldn't delay the patch any more and decided to remove battlegrounds from the spec's of the upcoming patch.
I have a tendency to agree with you on what happened with the patching. I know a lot of people seem to be upset about content updates and fixes with this game. I really don't know how frequently other MMO's addressed these issues though to see if people are being fair, or whiny though. There really don't seem to be too many game breaking bugs out there right now though. But there are a lot of things that do need to be addressed that could greatly help people with the enjoyment of the game.

I'm glad to see something from Blizzard about the patching schedule though.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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