End of school (and exams)
Are there any other like-situationed indivduals who'd like to start playing regular games of D2 with me?
I have my myriad of characters, but end up just questing, with no real purpose or aim.
So, I'd like to start some new characters, I don't have a real amazon (anymore, anyway, my failed scythe-maiden build went after 90 days).
Are there any other people who now have lots of free time to kill who'd like to play? I'll be free evenings (GMT) just about every day except Saturday & Sunday now. Since these will be new characters, realm is irrelevant (we could go to a neutral one if we want to kill the temptation to get a stronger character to help us).
Anyone? A large party would be preferable.

My only contact with other players is usually slogging through an area like the frigid highlands, running something (baal usually) or getting 'lead' by a higher level character past an act boss. Because of this I have very little idea of how other people actually play the game, I mostly just do things in the same order and with the same technique as I did the first time that I played single player (which was, itself, based on the methods outlined in the strategy guide that came in the battlechest). So, I'd be interested to find out how other people do things, and to have a regular gaming partner who I know isn't going to hinder me by gobbling up corpses with a vine whilst I'm trying to raise skeletons, for instance.


Hey, Bob i would like to take up your offer, although i lost my cable modem awhile back and lost my account, but the good news is ill have dsl by the 7th of july, i live on eastern time zone, My IM is FunkyfooKarate, Just let me know after that date, (im also out of school) (Toot!) B) Oh and btw Sorcs are my thing. Dont worry, i Dislike the necromancer. *stones getting thrown**runs and Hides and wips out The Uber Cold sorc*

Edit: oh that IM is AIM

Edit2: Oh, i prefer Us East, but im flexable
"We need some sharp Object. Think, your formor self must have known of something that was sharp!"
"Here, this is sharp!"
"What is that! A butter knife? I will spread my evil and curruption with a Butter knife? What will we do, cover the place with butter so they all die of High Cholesterol?"
"We could try to"
"no you idiot we could NOT try"
Taken from "Hello Cthulhu" Page 12
Hey bob

I would like to play with you too i have alot of free time these days and i wouldnt mind playing Diablo for a couple of hours. If you need me my IM on AIM is SkateBoardingxx

USWEST account: Rojo-Caliente<ladder>
USWEST ----Rojo-Caliente >>ladder<<
Lvl -72 Durid
Lvl -24 Sorcress

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