Some Obscure Questions
Hi, I'm new to posting on the lounge but have been lurking for a bit.

I play single player (vbad/expensive connections in my part of the globe :( - I surf at Varsity but they frown on installing games!). Anyway, I have a few questions which I have not yet found in my lurkage. The first two are quick and I'd really like to find the answers. The other two are much less important but would be interesting to understand a bit more about anyway.

First the quick questions:

1) Does the DiabloClone appear on single player (without mods) or is it only a realms only feature. I would really like the challange (and wouldn't mind getting my greedy little mits on the Annihalis charm either!).

2) I have yet to find a page listing the different item affix groups. Also I would like to find a list of the probabilities of the different prefixes and suffixes. (So that I can calculate exactly how many trillions of bows I'll have to find to get a cruel, master's, fool's matriachal bow of alacrity, trancendance, ease!).

Then the more complicated ones:

3) Do different attack modes have different 'widths'. I ask because in Act 3 I was attacking a heirophant in Travincal and I could shoot him past a stone pillar while his lightning was soaked up by the same pillar. Perhaps it was because the lightning is wider or perhaps because the attack originates some distance above the characters feet (to make the graphics look good). I've heard this is also possible in the Chaos Sanctuary where you can stand in a corner and shoot diablo while he can't hit you with his lightning breath. I'm excluding the use of GA obviously.

4) I'm not entirely happy with the description of attack rating with bows (or any range weapon for that matter). The main thing I have a problem with is how does the game know when an arrow is eligable to hit a monster. Sometimes I target a walking monster (walking perpendicular to the arrow flight - blasted shamans!) and, of course, every arrow misses. Other times I aim a little ahead of the same monster (not targeted) and hit (nearly) every time. While this is very intuitive, I was just wondering how the game does it.

That's it. Btw, thanks to everyone for a very entertaining read on the other threads. I've learnt more in the last two days than in my entire varsity career! (Oops! did I type that? :unsure: )
Quote:1) Does the DiabloClone appear on single player (without mods) or is it only a realms only feature. I would really like the challange (and wouldn't mind getting my greedy little mits on the Annihalis charm either!).

Realms only.

Quote:2) I have yet to find a page listing the different item affix groups. Also I would like to find a list of the probabilities of the different prefixes and suffixes. (So that I can calculate exactly how many trillions of bows I'll have to find to get a cruel, master's, fool's matriachal bow of alacrity, trancendance, ease!).

Clicky 1
Clicky 2
Thanks adeyke. As always, very authoritative.
This is not particularly helpful I know, but Fool's and Master's are in the same affix group, so cannot spawn together on the same rare.
"Thank you. We always have a shortage of unfounded opinions, so this will really help us. " - adeyke
3) I've always wondered about this myself... I think the Heirophant targets somewhere near you, maybe not always on you... or something.

4) The chance to hit is only based when the arrow "connects". So it is based on a monster that is standing still and you are aiming at. Your chance to hit a monster that dodges is not effected by attack rating.
Thanks for the help. With the links I have now changed my idea of a perfect bow to a:

Cruel (300%ed)
Masters (150%ed, 250AR)
Mechanists (+2 sockets)

Matriarchal Bow of

Alacrity (+20% ias)
Trancendence (+20 min dmg)
Amp Damage (5% CTC L1 Amp Damage)

The probability of such a bow seems to be about 1 in 420 trillion for a high level character :lol: .

This does not take into account the random ranges of the affixes, merely the chance of getting the affix itself.

This means that if I find one rare matriarchal bow every second, it will only take me 13300 years to get what I'm looking for! (Insert random brain-fused smilie here)
Falcon,Mar 31 2004, 06:57 AM Wrote:Cruel Masters Mechanists Matriarchal Bow of Alacrity, Trancendence, and Amp Damage

The probability of such a bow seems to be about 1 in 420 trillion for a high level character :lol: .
This makes me wonder how much state the (pseudo)random number generator Diablo II uses has. Was the 32-bit 'seed' value (in the item's save data) actually used to seed the PRNG to generate the affixes? If so, there would only be ~4 billion different sets of affixes, unless that item were one of them (1:105,000 chance), it would never spawn.

Can someone with more knowledge of game mechanics confirm or deny?

-- frink
Falcon,Mar 31 2004, 02:57 PM Wrote:With the links I have now changed my idea of a perfect bow to a:

Cruel (300%ed)
Masters (150%ed, 250AR)
Mechanists (+2 sockets)

Matriarchal Bow of

Alacrity (+20% ias)
Trancendence (+20 min dmg)
Amp Damage (5% CTC L1 Amp Damage)
If I recall correctly, you can't get Cruel or Master's on a rare item.

Best you could do is Merciless and King's.
The Warlord of Mars
They enabled Master's for rare weapons in 1.10, and also added a second rare-enabled Cruel prefix.
"Thank you. We always have a shortage of unfounded opinions, so this will really help us. " - adeyke
Thrugg,Apr 6 2004, 10:00 PM Wrote:They enabled Master's for rare weapons in 1.10, and also added a second rare-enabled Cruel prefix.
Cool. Dang that would make for some powerful weapons. Obviously I haven't played much 1.10, unmodded anyways. needs to update their Prefix / Suffix pages then...

Thanks for the info.
The Warlord of Mars
Quote:Cruel (300%ed)
Masters (150%ed, 250AR)
Mechanists (+2 sockets)

Matriarchal Bow of

Alacrity (+20% ias)
Trancendence (+20 min dmg)
Amp Damage (5% CTC L1 Amp Damage)
Hmm. Question: I know that when you map a +damage affix and a +%damage affix on a jewel, that it glitches and only adds the +damage (so if you have +40%damage/+10 Max Damage, you get +40%minimum damage and only +10 max damage). Does this happen on a rare as well? Would this bow have a minimum damage of 30 or a minimum damage of 130?
It only happens on a jewel socketed in armour, not in a weapon (weapon and off-weapon %ed are applied in different places), so I can't see any reason there would be a problem with eg Cruel of Transcendence weapons. Not so sure about eg a Deadly Circlet of Maiming though.
"Thank you. We always have a shortage of unfounded opinions, so this will really help us. " - adeyke

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