Looking for a program...
Anyone know of a program that will make it so people can't change desktop settings without supplying a password? I.e.: I like my background how it is, my step sister changes it everytime she logs on, just to make me mad, she also plays with the resolution and such. If anyone knows of some program that would make it so they have to supply a password to change the desktop settings, please let me know, it will be much appreciated! :)

No need to do that, it's all in Windows. I only know 95/98 as a speciality, but I'm sure others will chip in with methods for other versions.

Control Panel > Users. Add different profiles for all the potential users. Then go
Control Panel > Passwords. And on the User Profiles tab and select the second Radio button.

Voila. Log on using your profile and password and you get your settings, same for your sister. To make things easier, Control Panel > Network, remove whatever logon client you have (Single monitor screen icon, always top of the list) and replace it with a Windows Family Logon client, use this as your Primary Network Logon, and instead of the usual username/password box on logon you have a handy list of all users as well as the password box.

Hope I've helped, though chances are you're using a newer OS.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
I know that this works in ME as well. In XP, there is no need because it automaticallysets you up as different users with different settings. THe only part that this doesn't work for is the resolution, which takes two seconds to change if you right-click/display modes/color/resolution.

Yrrek, I hope all works out with you and your step-sister.
I am running 98SE. I tried creating multiple users once, but was unable to change the settings without it affecting the other users, I will try again and let you know what is happening though. Thanks!

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