Grizabella, the Realistic Fighter Mage

The assent of Mount Arreat was a grueling affair. The first stop was the Glacial Trail.

[Image: Griz5_assent1.jpg]

The first monsters to attack were Wraiths. Good, they're easy. While I was dispatching the Wraiths, though, Moon Lords came on screen. Crap. The lightning immune Night Lords in Nihlathak's Temple were bad enough. Moon Lords are also fire immune. I isolated a normal Moon Lord and tried to take him out. It took a trip to town to replenish my red potions just to kill one lousy lone regular Moon Lord. I decided that killing Moon Lords was not worth the trouble. So from then on, whenever I met a Moon Lord pack, I'd start up the Confuse aura and then teleport past it.

Or at least that was the theory. In practice, things were a lot dicier in the narrow corridors of the Glacial Trail. First, the Confuse doesn't necessarily tie up everyone. Often, there would be one Moon Lord in the back who saw us teleporting by and would come after us. Second, if you get involved in a prolonged battle down the corridor, the Confuse can wear off and the whole pack can come charging down on you from behind. Third, bosses and champion packs can't be Confused. Fourth, you might run into a cursed aura enchanted boss who overrides the Confuse curse. The battle shown above was particularly harrowing as the amp enchanted Pit Viper boss kept overriding the Confuse curse and there were about 6 Moon Lords chasing us from behind. It also didn't help that I turned into an undead stygian doll twice in the middle of the battle which isn't that funny when you need teleport to get out of a sticky situation. It took four trips to town to finally clear the snakes from this area (I sure didn't want them chasing me).

[Image: Griz5_assent2.jpg]

I had a group of about six Moon Lords I couldn't shake off my tail until I finally came across the gold chest guarded by Bonesaw Breaker. The Confused Moon Lords focused on the confused Reanimated Horde minions. Once I was confident that all of the Moon Lords were busy, I teleported out of there fast.

The Frozen Tundra was much less eventful. It had Bone Archers and Saber Cats which weren't fire immune and Crush Beasts and Demon Rascals that were. The going was slow but not particularly dangerous. I found the waypoint quickly and entered the Ancients Way.

The Ancients Way had Reanimated Hordes, Spike Fiends, Dark Lancers, and champion Frozen Terrors. None of them were fire immune, but I could definitely tell that monster hit points were ramping up. A couple of boss packs were troublesome but on the whole, it was a steady grind to find the waypoint and the entrance to the Arreat Summit.

[Image: Griz5_assent3.jpg]

Grizabella made it to the summit. But will the Ancients find her worthy?

Messages In This Thread
Grizabella, the Realistic Fighter Mage - by MongoJerry - 08-11-2003, 10:10 PM
Grizabella, the Realistic Fighter Mage - by Zath - 08-11-2003, 10:55 PM
Grizabella, the Realistic Fighter Mage - by Bolty - 08-12-2003, 01:02 AM

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