I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone
Walkiry,Apr 15 2005, 04:14 AM Wrote:Translation:

"Until everyone conforms to my view I'll continue to impose it as I see fit".

Basically you've found a magic button that will let your impose your view that "there's no excuse for a cellphone here", and you have seized it with both hands. You may give priority to the peace and quiet of your dinner over anything else, but someone else may have, in their eyes, a better reason to have that cell phone on than your reason to want it off. Ever gone to a restaurant or a cinema with a doctor?

I really don't care about Redneck Central. Your beef with people screaming at inappropiate times is the same wherever it's their brats, their cellphone, or their dim-witted companion. Beef with I most definitely agree with. And getting the manager of the establishment to do something about it is most definitely in line.

Making the decision for everyone else of what's acceptable and what's not with a sledgehammer is, quite frankly, equally rude.

Extreme situations demand extreme measures.

You see, it's not just my view.... Or making the world around me conform to what I want... There are plenty of other people other there that want exactly what I want as well. That's why some places are running a jammer. Obnoxious jackasses on cellphones with LOUD annoying ringtones and even more annoying conversation is a serious issue. It has lead to several murders in this area. Not something I would do personally... But before my jammer I did teach a few folks a lesson by crushing their phone and then lecturing them on social graces. If I were living in a wonderful enlightened society full of people with good manners that paused and considered others, and didn't act like a jackass, none of these measures would be needed at all and I would most certainly be in the wrong.

Sledgehammer? You may be right. I am a severely outnumbered minority here. So my actions are bound to be somewhat controversial. That's ok. It's always been this way. The actions of a rogue few will eventually lead to the acceptance of many when the cause is just. I have the courage to break the ice (and occassionally a few heads) and lead the way. People that don't have this courage are usually the ones sitting on the sidelines bitching about my methods. These people are called panty waisted Nancy boys. When the situation does change, these people ride on your coat tails and tell everybody they supported you all along and how wonderful it is to have (insert whatever just changed here) Having survived the Civil Rights Movment, it's nice to see some familiar faces making comments from the peanut gallery as we move into the next conflict.

People have no reason to be rude. A well armed society is a polite society. A long time ago, men carried pistols. And you watched your mouth. You were polite and behaved in a genteel fashion. You didn't go off and run your mouth. If you did, it would mean pistols for two at dawn, followed by breakfast for one. In this environment, civility won the day. Kindness was the established norm. Before pistols, it was swords. Standing in a room interupting everybody's peace and quiet, shouting, screaming, and swearing would most likely get you slapped with a glove followed by receiving a consequence for your actions. There was a price for being rude. In light of said consequences, I would say using a cell jammer is a mere slap on the wrist compared to what could (and should) happen.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."

Messages In This Thread
I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone - by Doc - 04-15-2005, 01:42 PM

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