Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids
Hey guys!

Well, guess I'm a little late on this discussion, but I'll add in my thoughts anyways. I'm very happy we're talking about this as I think over the past month, there's been increasing tension and we needed definition in our direction for sure. I think we all love playing with the MDs and that's why we all care enough to keep discussing how we can make sure that the guild can keep us all playing together, at least most of the time. This guild has great support, sharing, help, lots of instance runs, lots of general questing and really fun and funny people :)

I've read through all of your posts and I think all of you have great said some great stuff. Excellent highlights...
Kesh - completely against *open recruiting* w/o some kind of screening. (we've done pretty good most of the time recruiting, if we start getting to ZG and bigger stuff, it would be good to formalize a little more)
Zia - Any high lvls we recruit are eventually gonna want more than MWD can provide and will soon move on themselves. (pretty true, but if monk, elv, zia, kesh, me and some of our other split 60s like Kerana keep being very active, I think the guild can continue to grow, and we are setting a strong precedent for others that make the raiding decision in the short/medium term. In this way maybe we can keep growing and recruiting to a MC level where guildies won't leave for raiding reasons).
Blondie - Keep it fun and lighthearted, and people will come more
Blondie - And leaders of runs are expected to RESPECT other players at all times, and stick around for the ENTIRE run
Hya - Not all of us want to do a raid every night.
Kesh - No pressure to join, no criticism of other people in other instances or whatever.
Hya - It's unacceptable for a group leader to bail when things go wrong
Hya - Raid leadership should rotate (I agree and we need to be disciplined in letting each other lead a group without interference so we each get practice. If we have suggestions for each other, whisp them or use MDZG)
Monk - Moonwell Dancers is a great guild. It is the best guild I have been part of on Uldum. (doh, I agree! but I'm not supposed to agree with monk on anything!)
Monk - kk..i am rambling..not even sure if this relates to anything (ok, I can agree with him on this :P)

Some things to add/expand...
Me - We should post some further expectations for runs like coordination stuff (assist calls, learning class roles, pre-warn if your time is limited)
Me - I agree, pick two to four nights to raid together, no obligations, but strongly encouraged to raid with guildies as everyone suggested. Hopefully Cyr can work this out with her time inquiries.
Me - We continue to grow. I remember when I joined there were no 60s (I think Myst turned 60 a day or two later) and maybe 30 people. Now we are something like 180 with 35-40 60s! And we continue to grow. I think this is a tribute to the good people in our guild.
Me - Keep working on pulling new people into the 'core'. We've got a lot of good players coming up. We always need to keep focusing on pulling them into the main group, whether by instances, general questing or just chatting.
Me - All of this should be rewritten by Cyr as she sees fit into a new 'guild charter/direction' statement for the website.

Guys, I'm still completely MD and I believe we can keep growing. I think Monkee has actually set a good pattern for those of us that make the decision to find a way into MC or bigger instances until the MDs have time to grow more. If we can manage this kind of dual membership for some people and keep playing together, hopefully we can decrease the tensions that have resulted lately and get back to enjoying the game with each other more while at the same time building up our guild, gear, skills and teamwork.

Frizz :shuriken:

Messages In This Thread
Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids - by Hyacinth - 10-03-2005, 03:09 PM
Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids - by Mavfin - 10-03-2005, 08:45 PM
Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids - by Hyacinth - 10-04-2005, 12:56 AM
Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids - by Mavfin - 10-04-2005, 01:18 AM
Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids - by Cyradis - 10-04-2005, 01:36 AM
Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids - by Zia - 10-04-2005, 07:32 AM
Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids - by Cyradis - 10-04-2005, 05:13 PM
Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids - by monkee - 10-04-2005, 05:53 PM
Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids - by Cyradis - 10-04-2005, 06:26 PM
Moonwell Dancers Nightly Raids - by Frizz - 10-11-2005, 06:21 PM

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