Warrior Talent Review for the Whiner in all of us!
Quote:I do admit a Beastial Wrath talent for warriors would be overpowered, but as someone who solo-pvps a lot in bgs/world pvp/arenas I can agree with the warrior class needing help. Until you spend a lot of time being chain CC'd through a fight -- sometimes not even intentionally (i.e. aoe fear/frost nova/shadow fury directed at someone else) -- you probably can't empathize with the frustration that is playing the warrior class.

I read the official warrior forums and I've scanned the other class forums and not noticed the same amount of whining, so I think there is a real issue.

Blizzard's CMs' answers to this has been
1) we don't balance around 1v1
2) we balance warriors around groups (i.e. "get a pocket healer")
3) we think warriors are/have been overpowered so warriors didn't get buffs

1 & 2 are downright scary. 3 *had* some merit -- it doesn't any longer.

And the other obvious answer is "wait till 70". We'll see.

Yeah, there are certainly problems. And there are some changes that need to be made. But think about it like this--the majority of the nerfs that people bitch about for warriors came about because geared warriors were too effective before them. The recent rage normalization is one step towards making it so that new gear will scale a warrior up without scaling him WAAAAAY up, and can allow Blizzard to determine exactly where warriors need to be and make changes accordingly. Or so it was explained to me. And yes, I have played a 60 warrior (although not for long, and not my own), so I understand, to a degree at least, just how frustrating it is to sit there and watch the battle go by without the ability to do anything about it (On that note, I experience something similar on my mage at times. Except instead of watching and being unable to help, it's more along the lines of rolling up to a battle and having some hunter or four go, "MAGE! BIG NUMBERS!" and suddenly I find myself in the graveyard... over and over and over and over and over.)

But, yeah, anyway, my only real issue is all of the people who just don't understand anything beyond, "I am losing. I don't want to lose." And can't grasp that class balances means that every class should be pretty equal, not that everything that counters the One True Class (whichever one the player happens to play) is obviously overpowered, and needs to be made trivial, whether through buffs to them or nerfs to everything else.

I suppose the gist of what I'm trying to say here is that whiners suck, and that Blizzard generally manages to fix things okay, if you give 'em a little time.

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Warrior Talent Review for the Whiner in all of us! - by Bob the Beholder - 01-14-2007, 09:31 AM

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