Warrior Talent Review for the Whiner in all of us!
Quote:Tiga, my warrior, is my main and I do not find him gimped or in need of severe buffs in any way, shape or form.
"severe" buffs? So non-severe buffs are called for?

Quote:The 10s bloodrage dot has been tossed around before, and it was explained to us that they felt (the change) would be unbalancing due to the fact that the CC's that it would primarily defeat (sheep, trap) have windows of response time and thus bloodrage could be used as an instant "counterspell" from any stance.
Is it just me, or did you describe something that would require intelligent pre-meditated use to be effective and claim this is unbalancing?

Quote:Being gear dependant is something of it's own curse/benefit.
People throw this around too much -- it's a cliche. Everyone does more damage (or heals more) with better gear. Everyone has abilities that don't scale (barring the occasional odd set bonus) -- poly polys, hamstring snares, fear fears. What's changed is that at the beginning of the game, there were "uber" weapons that warriors could get. There wasn't much +dmg gear. So warriors/rogues scaled and casters didn't. Additionally, high stamina PvP gear didn't become truly accessible for a while. Prior to that time, it was true, warriors were "gear dependent", and once they got that gear, they were buff. Blizzard has fixed both of those issues now and now some of the deficiencies in the warrior PvP model are showing.

Quote:You can tell a warrior who cares about his toon from one who doesn't by small gear choices. Of course, the downside is most warriors all end up looking the same (give the same level of access).
Care to provide examples?

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Warrior Talent Review for the Whiner in all of us! - by fractaled - 01-15-2007, 07:07 AM

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